Average Website Traffic Breakdown

Search Engine Searches (67%)
Referring Site - Including Social Media (28%)
Direct Traffic (4%)
Other (1%)

Average Marketing Budget Spent to Drive Traffic Online

Social Media (41%)
Print Marketing to Drive Traffic to Website (30%)
Paid Online Ads (21%)
SEO Services (7%)
Other (1%)

What is SEO?

SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) is now a broad term used to describe a suite of services that give your website more visibility in search platforms. There are many different search engines but Google maintains the lion share of user traffic. While it’s worth exploring engines such as Bing for wider audiences, it’s also important to remember that niche search behaviors can be more prevalent in specific search engines.

What does this mean for you? Put simply, SEO matters. Website development is not SEO, although it can be a part of it. The best practices for SEO often come after all your content has been placed and you are happy with your site look.

There is more to SEO than meta tags

Meta tagging was once a mess of massive keywords and phrases jammed into a single location in your site’s code. However, we now have a more sophisticated way for search engines to parse information that includes, key phrases, SEO titles and descriptions. The most important thing to remember about search engine behaviors today is that content is king. Content, from using title tags in your text to scoring your pages for readability and keyword density is the job of your SEO specialist.

Spend money and time wisely

While the average business is now spending 10+ hours a week on social media and paying 40 percent of its marketing budget on social media, it is only netting them 24 percent at it’s height in returns on website traffic. By flipping your marketing budget around, you can effectively gain bigger returns on your investment and time.

While we understand that social media presence is important and essential, you may see better dollar conversions on SEO services. Talk to us about the best way to meet your business goals.